Monday, September 20, 2010

borrowed time

Its a funny old life actually Granville!

Heard "Time" by Floyd on the radio today, and I was reminded of how bloody good those lyrics are? Except in my case its not "ten years have got behind me" its twenty!!

Suddenly its dawning on me that probably more than half of what I am due on this Earth has already gone and there is just so much more to achieve yet.

Then suddenly I'm thinking about what ifs and what maybes and if they had happened would I be further down the road of achievement already?

Answer: No.

I know its an old cliche but I really don't regret anything ( I should caveat that as there are a couple of things I am not particularly proud of!) as whatever has happened so far has made me into the person that I am now and to be honest I am pretty comfortable with who that guy is.

It just means that because my foundations have taken longer to put in place on the unstable ground that I had to work with that the actual build above ground is behind schedule and so we need to make up the lost time. Hence the urgency to know get on with the task at hand.

I have the final plans of the very grand design and know whats required to finish the build. However in real terms rather than analogies I have no more time to waste.

I have to ensure that every moment is used wisely. I need to ensure that both in work and outside time is not wasted on developing fruitless relationships that have no structure and provide no benefit to the parties involved.If they are not mutually beneficial and do not move me closer to my goals then its time to move on and look for new opportunities that provide progress elsewhere.

I know I will succeed this is not in question and there is no doubt but I still do not understand which tradesmen I need to employ to enable me to finish building the house.

What I do know is that the end deliverable is for the three most fantastic women in the World, My wife ( who without, the foundation would never have been finished) and my two absolutely gorgeous daughters who between the three of them have helped me to understand that I am truly blessed every day of my life.